SIX ideas to find your life purpose at 50!

What can I do if I am struggling to find my life’s purpose at 50?

First, understand that life at or after 50 is not the end of the road. We can reinvent ourselves and start new ventures and pursue new opportunities. Your age is not your biggest hurdle.

Try one of these SIX ideas to find your life purpose-

  1. Figure out what gets your engines revved up- Is there a cause or injustice that makes you scream or cry every time you hear about it?  Is there an issue that you care deeply about but never got involved with because your life was too busy with kids and family or job obligations? If yes, check it out now and see if you are passionate about the subject.
  2. Write down all of your interests and give them a try- The act of writing things down takes them out of your head and puts them on paper where you can see them. Try to avoid editing or overthinking, and then go back and see what you wrote. You may be surprised by what old dreams may pop out that you had forgotten.
  3.  Think about the people you have in your life- Are they positive people involved with interests that they are passionate about? Or do you spend most of your time together criticizing and complaining about things or people with rarely a kind thing to say? It will be next to impossible to stop struggling to find your purpose in life after 50 if none of your friends have either.
  4. Expand your professional network – Your network is your net worth. Get to know new people. Talk to people who may have different interests and learn about what they do and why they do it. New contacts help you to learn about possible new interests that could be what becomes your life purpose.
  5. Do not wait for the perfect time before you start doing anything- Rather than waiting until you find the perfect answer for what your life’s purpose is, try different things until you do. Waiting is just another name for procrastinating. Do not wait years because you are afraid to make a mistake or look foolish to people who are not on the same journey as you are on. DO SOMETHING!
  6. Figure out what you love– Think about all the interests you want to pursue because you love it and enjoy doing it. Your purpose in life could be right in front of you!

Being 50 today means something different than it did for many of our parents and grandparents. It’s not a time to give up and wait for the end of life.  It’s a time when you have embraced who you are the most.  Stop struggling with that and embrace the possibility of living on purpose!

If you are struggling to figure out your purpose in life, connect with your purpose-driven mentor, Kimberly Richardson today.