Showing 12 Result(s)

What SHAPE are you in?

I posted this last year and decided to share again. While we reflect on Black History Month, and give honor to those whose indelible print will forever be etched in the fabric of our being…I can’t help but wonder about the impact we are making not just in our own lives, but in the lives …

The Benefits of Writing

The benefits of Writing are vast. The following are just a few key benefits: Writing helps you preserve stories and memories that may otherwise be lost. Writing can entertain you and others which is a key factor to good health. Writing strengthens your imagination which can fill you with hope and joy. Writing helps you …

Breast Cancer Awareness

October is recognized as ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month.’ The American Cancer Society (ACS) hosted kick-off events with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, in communities all across the country, to raise awareness and funds to end breast cancer. Funds raised through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer have helped do the following: Fund Breast Cancer Research grants …

Senior Long Term Care Living Options

Last week, I covered several resources available to assist in the care of our elderly, in honor of #Older Americans Month. This week focuses on Long Term Care Living options. In light of Mother’s Day, two days from now, I feel moved to share a little of my own experience with my mom several years …

Older Americans Month

In recognition of #Older Americans Month, I am dedicating the Month of May to posting on services available to assist in the aiding and care of our loved ones, specifically our elderly. Having lost my mother three years ago to Alzheimer’s at the age of 72 (of which I will speak more on in a …

weight-training kettle bells

The Benefits of Strength Training for Women…Over 50

According to the Muscle, Ligament and Tendon Journal (MLTJ), aging is the process of losing muscle mass and strength after the age of 30. The good news is we can slow down the aging process by building and maintaining muscle through strength training. Other benefits of strength training, according to Tufts University, includes the reduction of risks …

My year in Review…..

I survived! What a ride! Another amazing year has passed and I am forever transformed from its lessons, learned and unlearned. After experiencing the devastating loss of losing my mother to a long-term battle with Alzheimer’s in 2016, I made 2017 my year of “doing Kimberly”.  If you read any of my blogs, you’d know that …

Seeing in the “Better”

How have you persevered in your discouragement? After experiencing several challenging situations back to back in the past few weeks, it reminded me of a sermon given by my Pastor, Sam Moore of Conqueror’s Church : Seeing in the “better” requires proper perspective, right attitude, and constant passion. When the spirit of discouragement attacks, you must …


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), nearly 250,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer in this year alone. Statistics show that approximately 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m sure many of us either knows someone, or have heard of someone being diagnosed at some point in their lives! To …